Newsradio WTAM 1100

Cleveland's Newsradio

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Newsradio WTAM 1100 (WTAM 1100 AM) is a News/Talk radio station licensed to Cleveland, OH, and serves the Cleveland radio market. The station is currently owned by iHeartMedia.


  • Address: 6200 Oak Tree Blvd 4th floor, Independence, OH 44131
  • Phone number: 216-520-2600 / 888-723-9826
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Comments (25)

Mouse 2025-02-26 05:23 PM

I'd like to know if your engineers are DEI hire. I can pick up a signal from New York that's better than one coming from downtown Cleveland. And when I CAN listen locally, it fades to barely listenable levels to get LOUD ones.

GARY SCHULTZ 2025-02-11 06:06 PM


John Sopko 2024-08-14 01:52 PM

Jimmy Malone was a nice change of pace - now He's gone - Oh, and the afternoon Host is Pathetic ( God Bless Triv ) I would rate Lower - but you still have Sndyer, Rob , and Carmen ( for now )

stuart johnson 2024-06-30 06:16 PM

i live in NC and listen to WTAM when possible. Night time only. listen to the Cleveland Indians (they will always be the TRIBE)


Mike Gainer 2024-05-31 01:20 PM

4 stars is because of the mornings like today we hear Jimmy Malone go on his political views. Totally screws the flow of the day. I will turn back on at 11

Keith L. 2024-02-09 03:42 PM

Overall the WTAM 1100 provides good source of information and strong signal across multiple states. However When the Jimmy Malone show is on....i change the station.
His views and his ideas and agenda is way more than most educated people can handle. So today, I recommend Jimmy gotta go........he truly is a "knuckle head in the news".

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