Comments (9)
2024-08-29 02:30 AM
Static in Minnesota on these stations Hannity etc…
Bill waultets
2024-08-19 04:04 PM
Wake up and smell the coffee. 11am to 2pm now belongs to Dan Bongeno. Eather get on bord or you are going to loose more shares. I'm out until you do.
2024-07-23 05:03 PM
I love iHeart talk radio, however, I live out by Buffalo and only get static. Can you please up the power or go back to FM? Thanks
Johnny Applesead
2024-01-06 03:07 PM
I will not listen to blowhard Hannity. So there is now a key time slot that I won't listen to the station. I also find that the less I listen to your station (to avoid horrible hannity) the more I just stay on other stations. So hannity on air doesn't just affect my listening during his time slot, it significantly reduces (eliminates) me listening to your station at all. Very similar to Fox News on TV which I 100% avoid even though FNC was my only news channel for many years. Please consider the negative impact Hannity show has on your audience and your ratings. You should drop his terrible show.
Joseph Kilian
2023-06-12 12:29 PM
Love Twin Cities News Talk. Unfortunately, you recently changed your radio listening APP and now I cannot listen at work. My Corporation now blocks all IHeart Radio stations and websites due to Content Filtering. Please fix so I can go back to listening to John Justice, Glen Beck, Clay & Buck, and Sean Hannity. Thanks.
2023-05-16 04:21 PM
Clay & Buck are the BEST!